posicionamiento de sitio web Fundamentos Explicación

posicionamiento de sitio web Fundamentos Explicación

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The Chilean economy partially degenerated into a system protecting the interests of a ruling oligarchy. By the 1920s, the emerging middle and working classes were powerful enough to elect a reformist president, Arturo Alessandri, whose program was frustrated by a conservative congress. In the 1920s, Marxist groups with strong popular support arose.[32]

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En el caso de los autobuses, el doctrina sufrió una importante reforma a comienzos de los abriles 1990 con las llamadas "Micros Amarillas" y luego en 2007 con el establecimiento de un plan maestro de transportes conocido como Transantiago —flagrante Garlito Metropolitana de Movilidad—, el cual enfrentó una serie de problemas producto de una implementación brusca y deficiente que generó enseres desfavorables en la vida cotidiana de los habitantes de la renta.[34]​

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The Constitution guarantees the right to freedom of religion, and other laws and policies contribute to generally free religious practice. The law at all levels fully protects this right against abuse by either governmental or private actors.[219] Church and state are officially separate in Chile.

Territorial losses of the Republic of Chile de jure (by law) according to Chilean historiography.[41] Toward the end of the 19th century, the government in Santiago consolidated its position in the south by the Occupation of Araucanía. The Boundary treaty of 1881 between Chile and Argentina confirmed Chilean sovereignty over the Strait of Magellan but also made the country to renounce to its claims in the rest of East Patagonia after a dispute that started in 1842.

However, this perspective has also been criticized for underestimating the power of economic incentives for expanded production in other parts of the world.[150]

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A 1999 law on religion prohibits religious discrimination. However, get more info the Roman Catholic church for mostly historical and social reasons enjoys a privileged status and occasionally receives preferential treatment.[223] Government officials attend Roman Catholic events Vencedor well as major Evangelical and Jewish ceremonies.[219]

Durante las Fiestas Patrias se realizan más rodeos en la convocatoria Semana de la Chilenidad. En cuanto al atletismo el longevo evento realizado anualmente es la Maratón de Santiago, que alberga aproximadamente de 30 000 participantes entre profesionales y aficionados, que participan en las categoríVencedor Maratón, Media maratón y 10k trotando por las calles de Santiago.

There are various theories about the origin of the word Chile. According to 17th-century Spanish chronicler Diego de Rosales,[19] the Incas called the valley of the Aconcagua Chili by corruption of the name of a Picunche tribal chief (cacique) called Tili, who ruled the area at the time of the Incan conquest in the 15th century.

The Far North is the area between the northern boundary of the country and the parallel 26° S, covering the first three regions. It is characterized by the presence of the Atacama desert, the most arid in the world. The desert is fragmented by streams that originate in the area known as the pampas Tamarugal.

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La aggiornamento es un factor de posicionamiento de Google que depende de la consulta. Si existe la posibilidad de que los usuarios valoren el contenido actualizado, Google posicionará mejor las páginas actualizadas.

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